WE Inspire is a community for women. Passionate, creative, thinking women. Women who have felt, or seen, a gap in society and have instinctively known that the right service, or product, could fill that gap and make positive and productive changes in the world.
Our community is full to the brim of women who have left their ‘day jobs’ to embark upon the often complicated journey of setting up their own business. Driven by the potential to invoke real change for real people, our community is filled with mothers, students, retirees, young people and professionals. The commonality is the urging of an inner voice to act, to ignore the naysayers and follow their passion and their dreams.
WE Inspire is the catalyst. The women who come together are the story, the jewels, the purpose. Together, our members connect, inspire, challenge and support one another. We invite you to join us and allow us to be a part of your journey.