20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Sea Drops Jewellery

Sea Drops Jewellery is solely my own creation. Through the collaboration of my husband Glen’s underwater photography and my designs, I seek to share with others what is truly important in life ;- experiences, memories, adventure and connection with nature. My jewellery is more than a souvenir, more than an ornament – it’s an emotional experience that you can wear. I create earrings, pendants, rings and bracelets made using sterling silver, stainless steel and domed glass. I have teardrop and round shapes in a variety of sizes with a price range from $25 to $40
My stall displays have a very ocean marine theme to them. The table covers are a beautiful turquoise colour with necklaces displayed on white wooden sea horses. I have mini prints complementing my pieces revealing which underwater image was used in its creation.

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