20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Cold Brew Tea – Perfect For Perth!

Opening a box of tea, flicking the kettle on and pouring boiling water all over the contents followed by straining the liquid into your cup is just one method that can be employed to create tea. Don’t get us wrong, if you’re wearing the puffiest jacket in your closet and the wood fire is crackling in the background a hot tea is the only logical solutionŠŠ – but if you preparing to lounge by the pool or at the beach all weekend in your Œnext to nothing’s, what healthy refreshing drink will keep you and your friends cool?

Cold brewed tea is a must to get the most out of the chilled tea revolution! No kettle, just cold water straight from the tap, add your favourite tea, then into the fridge and let the slow diffusion begin!

Below are some simple steps to get your cold brewing technique with one XO Teas new herbal blends Popsicle.

1.       Get a jug or bottle 1 litre in size.
2.      Add 5 tablespoons of Popsicle (hibiscus, peppermint, elderflower guava) into the jug or bottle
3.      You have a few options, simply cold brew Popsicle or get creative and add the sliced fruit you love into the mix. Berries, apple, orange, mango, peach anything you like!
4.      Fill with cold water.
5.      Chill in the Fridge for 10 hours. (The cold brewing times vary from tea to tea)
6.      Strain liquor from the bottle
7.      If you like things a little sweeter, sweeten with syrup, juice, raw sugar, or honey. Garnish accordingly and serve!

This cold brewing technique will maximises the flavour verse traditional hot brewing and then icing.

Now it’s time to relax and cool off with your healthy herbal delight, xo.