20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Fighting Sugar Cravings – A Simple Meal Plan

Here is a simple, healthy and satisfying meal plan to help handle the sugar cravings and help you loose weight!


Start your day on the right foot with a protein-rich breakfast that can help to balance your energy and keep you feeling satisfied for longer!

One great option is a berry & vanilla skinny smoothie with a combination of Raw Slim & Tone Protein will help to keep you feeling full until your next meal, as well as Raw Prebiotic Women’s Multi with concentrated nutrition to nourish and energise the body.

Berry & Vanilla Skinny Smoothie,

  • 250ml Coconut water or unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup low-sugar frozen berries (blueberries/raspberries)
  • 1 serve (30g) Raw Slim & Tone Protein Vanilla & Cinnamon
  • 1 serve (5g) Raw Women’s Multi Vanilla & Passion Fruit

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Serve immediately and enjoy!

A nourishing whole food meal following this formula will help hold the cravings at bay!

  1. Fill half your plate with greens and dark leafy/non starchy vegetables
  2. Choose a fist-sized portion of high quality protein
  3. Choose a whole food carbohydrate (½ cup)
  4. Add a healthy fat source – nuts, seeds, 1tbs EVOO, ½ avocado or 1tbs coconut oil
  5. Complement your meal with flavour from herbs, spices, lemon juice or fermented foods/pickles

If you need a snack, try one of these,

  • Raw vegetables with hummus dip
  • Coconut yoghurt with berries
  • A small handful of raw activated nuts or seeds
  • Half a small avocado with lemon juice and sea salt

A nourishing whole food meal following the same guidelines as lunch will fit the bill perfectly.

Avoid eating after dinner to allow the body to digest and prepare for a restful sleep. If you feel like something extra try a cup of your favourite herbal tea.