20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Lorraine Lea Independent Stylist Story: Kiri O’Brien

Mum-of-four, Kiri O’Brien always wanted to be a stay-at-home mum for her kids, but when she finally sold the florist shop she’d been running for 8 years, she realised she missed having an outlet to socialise and meet people.

The idea of becoming a Lorraine Lea Stylist appealed to her because it offered that ‘me’ time she’d been craving, allowed her to indulge her interest in home styling and contribute to family finances.

“Going from being a busy business owner to staying home with the kids 24/7 was a big change. It only took a few weeks for me to realise I really missed having that social aspect in my life. I also missed that extra spending money. My family were so used to living on two full-time incomes, that even though I wasn’t working, we continued spending as though I was,” Kiri said.

Initially, Kiri saw her Lorraine Lea business as a short-term thing, but soon realised she was earning much more than she had as a florist, and doing less hours. Even though she was running a business, she was able to tailor her hours around her family’s schedule, which meant they spent a lot more quality time together than ever before.

“I can plan my home styling parties around what’s going on in our lives, so we make the business work for us,” Kiri said.

Her family makes the most of the free time together, and while Kiri is out at her home styling parties, it gives her husband some precious bonding time with their three boys and new baby girl.

Kiri believes her home-based business has brought her family closer together, while allowing her to be the stay-at-home mum she always wanted to be.

“There’s really nothing to lose by giving a Lorraine Lea business a go. The start-up costs are nothing and it could change your life. It’s really opened up a world of opportunities for me,” explained Kiri

To find out more about becoming an Independent Stylist, visit the Lorraine Lea stall at the EveryWoman Expo or visit lorrainelea.com

Kiri O’Brien: Lorraine Lea Independent Stylist

Jules Allen

Jules Allen

Jules Allen, an award-winning Australian advocate and dynamic speaker, believes adversity is life's greatest gift. Overcoming childhood sexual abuse, addiction, and domestic violence, she now empowers others, caring for 32 foster children and advocating for adoption reform.

Her impactful journey, featured on Australian Story, includes rebuilding a refuge in the Solomon Islands and appearing on MasterChef. A leading expert on youth and women's issues, she was awarded the 2017 Alumni of the Year by Southern Cross University. Recently, she became an award-winning playwright, shedding light on foster care challenges, while her therapy work during COVID focuses on anxiety relief.