20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Natural Ways To Balance Your Hormones

Hormones can be delightful substances that give us energy and vitality. They can make us feel like a rock star, however, when not in balance, they can make us feel terrible.

Hormones have a powerful effect on how we feel, function and look, impacting on everything from energy levels, quality of sleep, skin health, fertility and weight management. They can also influence moods, whether that be feeling anxious, calm, withdrawn or angry, along with the food choices we make and the way we speak to ourselves and our loved ones. Very few substances in our body impact on us more than our hormones. They affect us physically and emotionally.

Constant and/or cycle-related headaches and migraines, brain fog, poor concentration and memory, lack of energy, fatigue and the constant requirements of ‘pick me ups’ such as coffee and sugar at various times of the day can be a result of hormonal imbalance.

My observation in clinical practice is that many of the symptoms that result from hormonal imbalance have unfortunately become accepted as part of a client’s everyday life. They think that their inability to lose weight or their irregular, heavy or painful periods and mood swings are normal. I often hear ladies blame their lack of energy or low libido on being a mum.

The great news is that whilst many of these symptoms are common, they are not normal and there are ways to address them – naturally. Tailoring nutritional needs to our own biochemistry, improving digestive and liver health and managing stress all play a crucial role in balancing hormones and the range of conditions associated with them.

Understanding exactly where our hormones are at, can be an effective way to regain energy and vitality to take away the everyday effects of hormonal imbalance that has become the norm.
Hormone profile testing is a comprehensive pathology assessment which we use in practice to confirm valuable information about an individual’s hormonal status and the potential impact this may have on their unique physical and emotional health.

Whether it be preparing for pregnancy, dealing with hormonal fluctuations or enjoying a positive transition into menopause, natural medicine can assist with maintaining health during all stages of a woman’s life.

The good news is that there are natural solutions for you.
Kim Mitchell is a qualified Naturopath, Herbalist, Iridologist and Holistic Nutrition Specialist at Rener Health Clinics. She inspires and educates others to naturally balance their body, enhancing health and happiness for themselves and those around them.

Jules Allen

Jules Allen

Jules Allen, an award-winning Australian advocate and dynamic speaker, believes adversity is life's greatest gift. Overcoming childhood sexual abuse, addiction, and domestic violence, she now empowers others, caring for 32 foster children and advocating for adoption reform.

Her impactful journey, featured on Australian Story, includes rebuilding a refuge in the Solomon Islands and appearing on MasterChef. A leading expert on youth and women's issues, she was awarded the 2017 Alumni of the Year by Southern Cross University. Recently, she became an award-winning playwright, shedding light on foster care challenges, while her therapy work during COVID focuses on anxiety relief.